As with any great labour of time and love, there is a host of characters responsible for supporting me and making sure that this CD and tour came to fruition in the end. It's a dream that I've been dreaming for a long time, indeed, but it never would have materialised without the participation of the following people:
My family: My brother David (who also is the owner of the guitar I used to add the synthy reverby stuff to a lot of the songs), my sisters Katy and Pippa, as well as my new sister-in-law Nicky. None of you have ever been anything less than 100% supportive when it came to my music. You can't imagine how much of a difference that has made for me.
As well as immediate family, I have an enormous extended family to thank as well (which includes Godparents!). I won't name all of you, but special thanks must go to my grandparents: Guppa and the late Gamor, and also Gran, whose insight largely contributed to the final choice of CD colour.
My amazing parents: I could never begin describe all you have done for me, particularly considering how little of it is truly quantifiable, but if I never began then it would never be said, so let's give it a go. It is safe to say that without your hands in my life I would be completely and utterly lost. Thank you, with all that I am.
My friends: I will not try to name you, because I will forget somebody. You all deserve a mention, and I will be sure to thank you all in person. Believe me when I say that I was deeply moved by the turnout to my debut performance. You are wonderful. Thank you.
Sean Dillico: For his brilliant, last-minute work at mastering five of the eleven tracks for me (Shadowland, Requiem, Phosphorescence, Darling and Winter), I must thank him immensely. You wouldn't believe how much time and effort goes into fixing the volume of the tracks before they can be put on a CD. I definitely could not have done it alone.
My unofficial (and unpaid) manager, as well as my best friend, Ben: A musical genius in all sincerity, though he will never admit it. I can safely attribute most of my aspirations for interesting music to a search for your approval. Your input has been vital, and your friendship over the past eight years, invaluable. This CD is largely thanks to you. Thank you.
My faithful friend, Oscar: You are a dog, and cannot use a computer or read. I love you anyway.
Et Mademoiselle La Tortue: L'inspiration de la quasi-totalité des chansons sur ce CD. Like phosphorescence, you shine in me.
Finally, to anybody that I have somehow crossed in my travels, and that I have somehow convinced to buy a CD, and who has somehow found their way onto this website:
Thank you. You are the substance to my dreams.
"Happiness is only real when shared."